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The Korrigans

Breed : Taimyr wolf
Litter : Korrigans
DOB : He was born on January 12, 2015
Traits : Dominant male of the litter, Hundur is strong and tactless.

Breed : Taimyr wolf
Litter : Korrigans
DOB : He was born on January 12, 2015
Traits : His look will remind you attitudes of a gentleman. Sweet and affectionate, you will figure out how to recognize him by the way he “speaks”.

Breed : Taimyr wolf
Litter : Korrigans
DOB : He was born on January 12, 2015
Traits : cheerful male. His strong obedience makes it very enjoyable to walk with him.

Breed : Taimyr wolf
Litter : Korrigans
DOBe : She was born on January 12, 2015
Traits : Despite her small size, Alika is the dominant female of the litter. You will find her adventurous and resourceful.

Breed : Taimyr wolf
Litter : Korrigans
DOB : She was born on January 12, 2015
Traits : Great swimmer and stuntwoman, she is a leader currently in training.

Breed : Taimyr wolf
Litter : Korrigans
DOB : She was born on January 12, 2015
Traits : Her nickname is glue stick. Be aware if you start petting her, she will stick to you, overflowing with love. She is the mother of the Avanas and the Moons.