Winter Activities
Discover Camp: A week of discoveries through various a la carte Nordic activities, such as sled rides by the hour, half day, or full day !
Download the Discovery Camp brochure
Boreal Camp: A week to discover the Saami culture and Nordic landscapes through various outdoor activities such as dog sledding, snowshoeing, or skiing.
Download the Boreal Camp brochure
Explorer in ski or snowshoe : Come and experience a unique experience at Primitif Aventure by performing a 4 to 5 day raid, in total autonomy, without motorized assistance. Experience this adventure in Ski-snowshoe accompanied by our primitive dogs. Download the Eplorer in ski or snowshoe brochure
Explorer Camp: A 4-day polar exploration in total autonomy with our primitive dogs and sleds to discover Lake Inari and its surroundings.
Download the Explorer Camp brochure
Expedition Camp : A 15-day polar expedition in total autonomy with our primitive dogs and sleds to discover the magic of the North.
Download the Explorer Camp brochure